Saturday, December 12, 2015

How Much You Know About Your Food?

Have You Ever Thought Of What You Add To Your Body?

Today in this fast world, the food of people is also changing its form so as to cope up with the fast growing world. In that transformation, food along with its appearance has also changed its qualitative and nutritious form. In the pace of transformation it has degraded its every aspect and trait.

Majority of people today do not care about their food. Rather than eating a nutritiousand healthy  meal people prefer to fill their stomachs with entire junk. And thus harms their body in long run. According FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION ,UN ,63% of total world population is suffering from diseases, cancers, and genetic malformations due unavailability of healthy food.

Of course! The right nutrition is your right kind of workout!
Several research studies have shown that the kind of food we consume at early stages of life sets in the metabolism pace of our body for the rest of our life. Therefore, the benefits of eating right at early years will be greater and long lasting.
Nutrition, health, and wellness are intricately inter-linked. Aberrations in our nutrition tend to influence significantly on our health and well-being. Gradually, but unfortunately, our eating habits have changed in a significant way from their usual, natural pattern. Each passing day, various hazardous agents enter our body through our diet

Today, millions of people around the world puzzled to understand the right nutrition for them. Even though there is abundance of cheap, healthy food available around us, somehow the link between good food and health has been missing. Partly, this is because of the lack of clear information regarding "how to eat?" and, moreover, "what to eat?".

It is, therefore, imperative to each one us to understand the nutritional requirements of our body. All of us are curious about finding out "what is a well-balanced diet in order to stay healthy and to enjoy productive life?".

Certain level of knowledge about the food science is necessary regarding food items' nutrition value, their anti-oxidant strength, storage quality, processing methods and consumption. Every effort should be made to have all the nutrients in right quantities, proportion, hygienic and free from harmful germs and chemicals.